Wednesday, August 3, 2011

10 U.S. Cities With Housing Markets Struggling To Stay Afloat

10 U.S. Cities With Housing Markets Struggling To Stay Afloat

          Image of an abandoned house

For three years, the real estate market has been going in one direction—primarily down. Some areas, however, have begun to recover.

Recent S&P/Case-Shiller data show that among the top 20 housing markets in the U.S., 18 had very modest improvements in sales prices during May. Others, like Washington and Boston, have began to at least stabilize from a year ago.

Few markets, however, can match Washington and Boston. Robert Shiller has been stating that home prices could fall another 10% in the next year. Inventories in some major metropolitan areas would take years of sales to get back to 2005 levels. Then, the normal inventory of homes for sale was replaced on average every six months and it was unusual for a house to be on the market for a year.

Foreclosure rates remain high and only the robo-signing scandal has slowed the process.

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